Jet Black Hair
Time to come the dark side?
Too afraid to give in to your darkest desires? We have a way for you to get a sneak peek. The jet black hairstyle is your dear friend and it is ready for you to own it whenever you feel like it. Some are born with it, but most faces of your favorite star system seem to be switching back and forth this dark look, as this choice is a guaranteed show stopper.
Although this is just a trend for the fashion world, we strongly believe it is also a powerful representation of #FemalePower. The hue breathes feminity, mysteriousness and bravery. There are not many things to add to this timeless classic, just a bit more cautiousness revolving around clients with a fair skin. It is trickier just to get the right tone, that fits your client and does not end up with a tone, like a blue one, that leans more towards Halloween trends. On dark skin, this color is an instant perfection as it boosts the natural body hue and makes the face brighter than ever.
A 40% content increase on social is just a small preview of all the things that make this trend the new thing. If you don’t believe us, just follow the hashtag and feast your eyes upon all the beautifully crafted jet black hair of all shapes and sizes. Our social notifications are already popping, they better be about your jet black adventures!